Monday, March 17, 2008

L'Oreal Fashion Week!

Day 1:
Check out coverage at and The Star has an article on the designers that competed in Project Runway Canada. The few articles I've read today about this have an inconsistent list of the designers- some leave out Lucien and some leave out Stephen... Weird. I took the Fashionista Quiz on and I according to that I'm an Urban Fashionista. Sounds about right. I like to change it up sometimes though. I get bored of the same thing.

Looking about at galleries and video coverage, Nadya Toto's stuff looks incredible. Seems a little heavy for spring, it's stuff that looks to keep you warm and the colours are a lot of black and red, but beautiful all the same.

Mellinda-Mae Harlingten has a nice collection as well... A lot of red, black, grey white, similarly 'heavier cool weather' looks. I love those top hats and architectural chunky earrings...

Denis Gagnon's stuff looks gutsy, wearable, mature and original. Again, a lot of black! Seems Denis' show was the best received yesterday on the runway. His stuff is beautiful.

I want to see some colour!

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